Caribbean vacation
Our New Year holidays are traditionally characterized by long preliminary troubles on the topic of winter holidays - starting from the summer months, my husband and I systematically carry out…

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Tours to Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is an independent state, which includes the islands of the same name and several more small ones. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and…

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Puerto rico
Thinking about a place in which we would like to spend our holidays, we often “rack our brains”, sorting through thousands of Internet resources, guides and the opinions of acquaintances.…

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extreme sports

Sights of the island of St. Thomas – what to see. Complete guide to iconic places

St. Thomas is part of the US Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean. The island is the main island in the archipelago, the most developed, also here is the capital of the US Virgin Islands – the port of Charlotte Amalie. Tourists of St. Thomas love and actively visit, and the purpose of the visit can be both a lazy vacation on the beach or diving, and ecotourism, shopping, as well as engaging in all kinds of water sports. Welcome to the Caribbean!
Saint Thomas was inhabited by Native American tribes – the Siboneans – as far back as the fifteenth century BC. Later they were replaced by Arawak, and Arawak – warlike Caribbean. Christopher Columbus during his second voyage landed on the island – it was at the end of the fifteenth century AD. Europeans brought to the island diseases against which the Indians did not have immunity, because of which they Continue reading

Charlotte Amalie – what to see

The decoration of the Caribbean is the Virgin Islands, the main gem of which is Charlotte Amalie. This locality is the metropolitan center of these islands belonging to the United States. The resort town is located on the largest island site called Saint Thomas. Currently, Charlotte Amalie is a tourist center where tourists from all over the globe come to swim in the rays of the Caribbean sun, enjoy swimming in the warm sea waters, and admire the natural beauties of this region.
The first peoples based on the St. Thomas island site were recorded at the time when Christopher Columbus made his second voyage. Taino, Arawaki and Caribbean tribes lived here. However, the main development of Charlotte Amalie began after the establishment of trade relations with the Danish colonies belonging to the West Indies. This town, as a city, has existed since 1671, after the Danish King Continue reading

Caribbean islands. Welcome to the Caribbean!

In total, there are several dozens of islands in the Caribbean Sea that vary in size and geographical structure … Here we will tell you about several islands of paradise, the most popular among Russians. Antigua is a tropical paradise located on the sheltered islands in the eastern Caribbean. About 30 miles north is the completely flat coral island of Barbuda, where divers from all over the world seek. Previously, Barbuda could be called a “paradise for garbage collectors,” since on its reefs there were many remains of wrecked ships. Now it is a haven for birds living in this area. Antigua attracts with its warm calm breeze, beautiful coasts and a protective, almost undamaged wall of a coral reef. This would be a great place to shelter the fleet. That is why, when the legendary Admiral Horatio Nelson arrived on the island, he Continue reading

One of the most picturesque countries of Central America, one of the centers of the Mayan civilization, exotic and tropical rainforests - all this is amazing Guatemala. It’s worth going…


Saint Kitts and Nevis
Holidays in St. Kitts and Nevis will lead tourists to beaches with white, golden and black sand and clear azure water of the Caribbean Sea. Holidays at sea in St.…


Prices in the country: how much does life cost in the Caribbean?
There is an opinion that the Caribbean is a place purely for luxury travelers. In fact, the Caribbean region includes 30 countries: some of them are on the brink of…
