Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a tiny country in the chain of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean. Maybe for some it sounds blasphemous, but Saint Vincent was…

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Attractions of the island of St. John
Located in the Caribbean Sea, the marvelous islet of St. John is part of the United States of America, or rather - owned by the United States Virgin Islands. St.…

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Geography of the Caribbean. Geographical Description of the Caribbean
Geographically, the term "Caribbean" includes the Caribbean Sea, and all islands located southeast of the Gulf of Mexico, east of Central America and Mexico, and north of South America. Although…

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Caribbean islands. Welcome to the Caribbean!

In total, there are several dozens of islands in the Caribbean Sea that vary in size and geographical structure … Here we will tell you about several islands of paradise, the most popular among Russians. Antigua is a tropical paradise located on the sheltered islands in the eastern Caribbean. About 30 miles north is the completely flat coral island of Barbuda, where divers from all over the world seek. Previously, Barbuda could be called a “paradise for garbage collectors,” since on its reefs there were many remains of wrecked ships. Now it is a haven for birds living in this area. Antigua attracts with its warm calm breeze, beautiful coasts and a protective, almost undamaged wall of a coral reef. This would be a great place to shelter the fleet. That is why, when the legendary Admiral Horatio Nelson arrived on the island, he founded here the most important Caribbean base in Great Britain. It is unlikely that he knew that 200 years later the same unique features that attracted the Royal Navy would make Antigua and Barbuda one of the main tourist centers of the Caribbean. On one side of the island of Aruba, waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash with crash into rocks, coral mountain ranges and cliffs. On the other hand, the island is surrounded by the calm Caribbean Sea, where you want to dive and swim. In the middle is a desert with a charming lighthouse and windmills, tall cacti and unique curved divi-divi trees. Add here modern hotels and resorts, luxurious restaurants, brilliant casinos and you will have a complete view of the island of Aruba! Barbados is a coral island displaced from the sea during volcanic activity many years ago. In the western part of the island, beautiful white and sandy beaches stretch along the emerald sea. Part of the coastline is bordered by coral reefs, which provides excellent snorkeling for diving enthusiasts. The constant trade wind breeze (air currents over the ocean) provides Barbados with a temperate and pleasant tropical climate. Many underground lakes around the island provide the population with excellent drinking water, which is considered the cleanest in the world. This Caribbean island itself is unique. For example, it was formed during the merger of two continental massifs. And here you will see buildings and structures that are found only in Barbados. Picturesque fishing villages, stunning twin python volcanoes, world-class resorts, comfortable hotels, sulfuric mineral springs, beautiful waterfalls and forests – this is what St. Lucia can impress anyone! Those looking for a traditional beach holiday will also not be disappointed. St. Lucia offers to enjoy crystal clear views, white and sandy beaches and beautiful reefs. Saint Martin is a semi French, semi Dutch island, with two different cultures. However, there are no customs restrictions between the two sides, and you can freely travel around the island. The French part of the island is calm and refined, with magnificent sandy beaches, French cuisine and amazing resorts. The Dutch side is a large crowd of people, duty-free duty free shops, active nightlife and many restaurants. For lovers of outdoor activities, they offer diving, water skiing, tennis and golf. Saint Kitts and Nevis are like no other islands in the Caribbean the embodiment of a tropical paradise. In the center of Saint Kitts is the delightful Mount Lyamyuga (an inactive volcano covered with dense vegetation). The main attraction of Nevis is a lot of elusive green monkeys, as well as excellent tropical flowers. The main value of the islands is the preservation of the natural environment. For example, it is forbidden by law to build buildings higher than palm trees growing nearby. Due to its attractive harbor and twenty exciting coasts, many travelers consider the beautiful little island of Saint Barthélemy a paradise on earth! Picturesque villages and wide valleys are surrounded by coral reefs and crystal clear waters of blue-green lagoons. The island is considered a favorite vacation spot of the rich and famous due to its natural beauty, gourmet cuisine, chic shops and a relaxed atmosphere. Trinidad and Tobago are two islands, but one nation. This is the country where they invented the Caribbean Carnival, a barrel-playing orchestra, and calypso. Trinidad has everything you expect from a Caribbean island: the sea, sun, sand, friendly residents, music, parties, etc. The idyllic landscape and calm nature of Tobago offers many opportunities for restoration of strength and health. Those who have been here at least once come back to enjoy the holiday of dreams!

Bahamas vs Caribbean: what should you keep in mind when choosing a cruise?
The fact that in the region located between the two Americas runs most cruise routes is not surprising: a combination of densely populated coasts, an abundance of tropical islands and…


The Caribbean (Spanish Mar Caribe; English Caribbean Sea) - one of the most beautiful tropical seas, part of the Atlantic Ocean. The marginal semi-enclosed sea is bounded by Central and…


Bahamas vs Caribbean: what should you keep in mind when choosing a cruise?
The fact that in the region located between the two Americas runs most cruise routes is not surprising: a combination of densely populated coasts, an abundance of tropical islands and…
