Roatan Island "The wrong country was called Honduras ..."
Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I…

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Aruba Island
Aruba is a small Dutch island in the Caribbean, located off the coast of Venezuela. It is notable for dry sunny weather, quiet waves and white sand beaches. Because of…

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Seven Wonders of Puerto Rico
Puerto rico - A state located on the island of the same name in the Caribbean. Translated from Spanish, its name means “rich port”, and although initially it meant something…

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Charlotte Amalie – what to see

The decoration of the Caribbean is the Virgin Islands, the main gem of which is Charlotte Amalie. This locality is the metropolitan center of these islands belonging to the United States. The resort town is located on the largest island site called Saint Thomas. Currently, Charlotte Amalie is a tourist center where tourists from all over the globe come to swim in the rays of the Caribbean sun, enjoy swimming in the warm sea waters, and admire the natural beauties of this region.
The first peoples based on the St. Thomas island site were recorded at the time when Christopher Columbus made his second voyage. Taino, Arawaki and Caribbean tribes lived here. However, the main development of Charlotte Amalie began after the establishment of trade relations with the Danish colonies belonging to the West Indies. This town, as a city, has existed since 1671, after the Danish King Continue reading

Sights of Saint-Croix – what to see. Complete guide to iconic places

Sights of Saint-Croix – what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
Santa Cruz Island, located in the Caribbean, is part of the Virgin Islands and is under the jurisdiction of the United States of America. Tourism here is not yet very developed, which allows you to relax comfortably in peace and quiet, while enjoying all the charms of the Caribbean! Plus, the island is famous for its pirate drink, the rum of the Kruzan brand.
For the first time the foot of a European citizen stepped on the island at the end of the fifteenth century – he was the navigator Christopher Columbus, and this was his second trip to America. The traveler gave the island its current name and declared it part of Spain. However, the Caribbean tribe who lived at that time had their own opinion on this matter. The natives who called their land Ai-Ai did not want to give Continue reading

Virgin Gorda Attractions – What to See. Complete guide to iconic places

Virgin Gorda Attractions – What to See. Complete guide to iconic places
The name Virgin Gorda translates as “fat virgin” – because the appearance of this island, part of the British Virgin Islands, is very similar to a full lady who leaned back. Quiet, with a calm rhythm, with beautiful coasts and clear water, ideal for diving and snorkeling – such is Virgin Gorda. Come here and enjoy the opportunity to not rush anywhere!
Virgin Gorda was inhabited by the Arawak Indian tribe in the first century BC. In the fifteenth century they were replaced by warlike Caribbean Indians who arrived from the Lesser Caribbean Islands – in fact, by whose name the sea was known to all. Virgin Gordo was discovered by Christopher Columbus – it happened at the end of the fifteenth century. The Spaniards announced the appropriation of the island for themselves, but did not engage in its development. Continue reading

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Is it safe to travel around Dominica?
The Commonwealth of Dominica, whose citizenship can be obtained through investment, attracts more and more tourists every year. There are few places left on the earth that can boast of…


The Caribbean has long been recognized as one of the most dangerous for navigation. Tropical hurricanes, often “visiting” this region, bring with them many troubles. For example, Hurricane Gilbert (Spanish…


Curacao is a tiny "Holland", which can be seen on the map only with a multiple increase. This is truly the pearl of the Netherlands Antilles, surrounded on all sides…
