Venezuela has: a) the old cities of the conquistadors, b) a couple of thousand kilometers of beaches, c) the absolutely unearthly beauty of the Andes, d) the great Orinoco River,…

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Puerto rico
Thinking about a place in which we would like to spend our holidays, we often “rack our brains”, sorting through thousands of Internet resources, guides and the opinions of acquaintances.…

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Island of Martinique
In the picturesque green necklace of the Lesser Antilles, stretching a long puff from Haiti and Puerto Rico to the mouth of the Orinoco River and further along the Venezuelan…

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sport fishing

Charlotte Amalie – what to see

The decoration of the Caribbean is the Virgin Islands, the main gem of which is Charlotte Amalie. This locality is the metropolitan center of these islands belonging to the United States. The resort town is located on the largest island site called Saint Thomas. Currently, Charlotte Amalie is a tourist center where tourists from all over the globe come to swim in the rays of the Caribbean sun, enjoy swimming in the warm sea waters, and admire the natural beauties of this region.
The first peoples based on the St. Thomas island site were recorded at the time when Christopher Columbus made his second voyage. Taino, Arawaki and Caribbean tribes lived here. However, the main development of Charlotte Amalie began after the establishment of trade relations with the Danish colonies belonging to the West Indies. This town, as a city, has existed since 1671, after the Danish King Continue reading

Sights of the island of St. Thomas - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
St. Thomas is part of the US Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean. The island is the main island in the archipelago, the most developed, also here is the capital…


Tours to Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is an independent state, which includes the islands of the same name and several more small ones. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and…


What unites Johnny Depp and Sean Connery, David Copperfield and Shakira, finally, Mariah Carey and Michael Jordan? The fact of having a pretty mansion in the Bahamas. This amazing region…
