Tropical fruits
Virgin Gorda Attractions – What to See. Complete guide to iconic places
Virgin Gorda Attractions – What to See. Complete guide to iconic places
The name Virgin Gorda translates as “fat virgin” – because the appearance of this island, part of the British Virgin Islands, is very similar to a full lady who leaned back. Quiet, with a calm rhythm, with beautiful coasts and clear water, ideal for diving and snorkeling – such is Virgin Gorda. Come here and enjoy the opportunity to not rush anywhere!
Virgin Gorda was inhabited by the Arawak Indian tribe in the first century BC. In the fifteenth century they were replaced by warlike Caribbean Indians who arrived from the Lesser Caribbean Islands – in fact, by whose name the sea was known to all. Virgin Gordo was discovered by Christopher Columbus – it happened at the end of the fifteenth century. The Spaniards announced the appropriation of the island for themselves, but did not engage in its development. Continue reading