Saint Lucia: Caribbean beaches, offshore and citizenship for investment
This small island in the Caribbean attracts not only with its obvious natural advantages. Saint Lucia is one of the five countries in the region that offers foreigners participation in…

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a tiny country in the chain of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean. Maybe for some it sounds blasphemous, but Saint Vincent was…

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a tiny country in the chain of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean. Maybe for some it sounds blasphemous, but Saint Vincent was…

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Nicaragua: attractions, prices, travel route

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America and one of the most beautiful. Years of political and civil unrest, coupled with devastating earthquakes, has led Nicaragua to be the poorest country in the region. Plus Nicaragua is the cheapest country in Central America, which makes it even more attractive for the sophisticated traveler. Read more about Nicaragua, crossing the land border with Costa Rica and the beginning of my journey: Nicaragua country: visa, Rivas city and ferry to Ometepe island.

The currency of Nicaragua is Nicaraguan Córdoba. Correctly read CORDS (symbol NIO, or C $).

Nicaragua average prices
– Housing. A hostel bed can be found for $ 7. The cost of a room in a hostel with a shared bathroom starts at $ 17. Hospedajes are very popular in Nicaragua – these are small family hotels. There you can find a room with a private bathroom and for $ 15-20. The conditions offered even by conditionally expensive Nicaragua hotels are significantly worse than in neighboring countries. Often in the room there is no hot water, or the shower is broken, or in general in the whole city they can turn off the electricity.

– Food. A separate post about food: Exotic cuisine of Nicaragua: cassava, wigoron and heart con yuka.

– Transport — getting around the country by public transport is quite convenient, but very slow. A detailed post about Latin America Transport. Chicken bus, knock knock, cycle rickshaw ..

– Entertainment — Usually all entertainment in Nicaragua is relatively cheap. Zip-lining and horseback riding around $ 25, climbing volcanoes with their own guide around $ 20.

Detailed post about prices in Nicaragua and travel budget

Climate, weather, when is the best time to travel to Nicaragua
Of course, you can go to Nicaragua all year round – the heat is the same. But from May to October, winter begins in the country and, accordingly, the rainy season. Often, tropical rain starts unexpectedly and can greatly spoil plans. For example, climbing and spending the night on volcanoes instead of pleasure turn into torture, and views of incredible beauty can be hidden behind the clouds. But in this matter how lucky, so you need to go when there is an opportunity. And there you can always find something to do.

Nicaragua Attractions
– Ometepe – this island ranks first in all the tops of the must-see places in Nicaragua. The island is located in the middle of Lake Nicaragua (Lago de Nicaragua), formed by two volcanoes separated by a narrow isthmus of land. It is possible to climb both volcanoes, you can still swim in the lake, or rent a motorcycle and go around the whole island. Hotels and food are cheap, so Ometepe is a great place to hang out and relax. More about Ometepe:

Nicaragua Attractions: Review of Ometepe Island. Part 1.
Lake Nicaragua and the cannibal bull shark. The beaches of Ometepe. Part 2.
On a motorcycle on Ometepe: Eye of the water and the lagoon of Charco Verde. Part 3

– Somoto Canyon – few people know, and not everyone gets to this treasure hidden in the mountains in the north of Nicaragua. I got there and all efforts were rewarded. One of the most amazing places in Central America. A separate post about the city of Somoto, 14 km from the canyon, where you can spend the night.

– Granada is a colonial picture city with brightly colored houses, beautiful churches, year-round summers and horses pooping to Central Square. Many gringos (white people) come to Granada to learn Spanish, because there are cheap housing and good schools of Spanish. Even in Granada, great food on weekends.

– Mombacho volcano and foggy forest – not far from Granada is this handsome man with 5 craters. Hiking around all craters is allowed only with a guide. On a sunny day, from the top of the volcano you can see Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua, Granada, as well as Masaya Volcano.

– Katarina is a town in the vicinity of Granada, attractive for its souvenir shops and a viewing platform, from where picturesque views of the Apoyo lagoon, Masaya volcano and other mountain forests open.

– Masaya – a town at the foot of the volcano of the same name. The town itself is notable for the largest souvenir market in the country, the active Masaya volcano, in turn, attracts travelers, because at night you can see red-hot lava there. Night tours to Masaya volcano. Visiting is allowed only with a guide.

– Leon – this city, located in the north-east of Nicaragua, was the capital of the country until 1857. He still remains the intellectual capital because of the National University located there. An interesting city. It blows the spirit of the revolution, which has found its embodiment in a variety of graffiti on the fences. Leon is also a city around which there are the most impressive volcanoes and beaches of the country.

– Las Penitas – desert beaches of the Pacific Ocean near the city of Leon. There you can live in a wooden hut, drinking a beer and swinging in a hammock, you can learn to surf or just go for a day from Leon to sunbathe and swim.

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