Prices in the country: how much does life cost in the Caribbean?
There is an opinion that the Caribbean is a place purely for luxury travelers. In fact, the Caribbean region includes 30 countries: some of them are on the brink of…

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What unites Johnny Depp and Sean Connery, David Copperfield and Shakira, finally, Mariah Carey and Michael Jordan? The fact of having a pretty mansion in the Bahamas. This amazing region…

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The Dominican Republic is a fertile land, spread out in the east of the island of Haiti, surrounded by waves of the Caribbean Sea. The capital is the sultry Santo…

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Sights of the island of St. Thomas – what to see. Complete guide to iconic places

St. Thomas is part of the US Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean. The island is the main island in the archipelago, the most developed, also here is the capital of the US Virgin Islands – the port of Charlotte Amalie. Tourists of St. Thomas love and actively visit, and the purpose of the visit can be both a lazy vacation on the beach or diving, and ecotourism, shopping, as well as engaging in all kinds of water sports. Welcome to the Caribbean!
Saint Thomas was inhabited by Native American tribes – the Siboneans – as far back as the fifteenth century BC. Later they were replaced by Arawak, and Arawak – warlike Caribbean. Christopher Columbus during his second voyage landed on the island – it was at the end of the fifteenth century AD. Europeans brought to the island diseases against which the Indians did not have immunity, because of which they soon became extinct, and the island was empty – except for the filibusters, who loved to moor their pirate ships on all the Virgin Islands.

The first colony in St. Thomas arose only in the middle of the seventeenth century – the aliens were from Holland. A century later, the island was captured by Denmark. According to some reports, Russia considered the acquisition of St. Thomas in the nineteenth century as a future naval base, but the purchase did not take place. And finally, in 1917, all the Virgin Islands that belonged to Denmark were bought by America for $ 25 million in gold coins – so St. Thomas became the United States. Copyright
Island cuisine will certainly please seafood lovers. All kinds of fish, shellfish, crab, shrimp … Whatever your heart desires! Try konk – fish pancakes. Of a large selection of soup, kalal should be preferred – it also contains seafood and meat, as well as vegetables, herbs and spices. Meat lovers should try sause – assorted pork offal.
A strict vegetarian on St. Thomas will not have to starve – fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables in unlimited quantities! If you want something more satisfying, then try potato pudding or cereal porridge fungi. The last two dishes, however, are also suitable for meat-eaters – as a side dish. It is also customary to serve fried bananas or local bread cakes for meat and fish. Of the drinks, bushy ti herbal infusion, coffee and, of course, freshly squeezed juices are popular. What to choose on St. Thomas from spirits? Yo ho ho! Of course, Caribbean rum!
The most comfortable time to visit St. Thomas is traditionally considered the winter and spring months. However, this rule applies mainly to lovers of a relaxing beach and city vacation. If the purpose of your trip is diving, then you should go to the island in June: at this time the water here is unusually calm, not just a storm – there will not even be strong waves.
It is mandatory to visit the underwater observatory Coral World, located in the capital of the island. There are aquariums with a volume of more than three hundred thousand liters, where stingrays, eels, sharks, colorful coral fish, crustaceans and corals live. So that you can watch all the inhabitants of the sea, a special underwater tower is built here. You can continue to get acquainted with the nature of St. Thomas on land. Go for a walk and explore the local flora, do not be afraid to stumble upon a dangerous representative of the fauna – they simply are not here. The maximum you meet is birds, iguanas, small rodents.
St. Thomas Harbor is a true allure. But the best beach on the island is considered to be Magentes Bay Beach, located in Charlotte Amalie. There is a stunning bay with snow-white sand, framed in a semicircle by dense tropical greenery. Porous boulders of volcanic origin, which are scattered everywhere, give the beach an unlike appearance. Relaxing here is comfortable for travelers of all ages. You can spend a romantic evening with a soulmate, climbing one of the hills of the city – they offer stunning views.
Fort Christian, built in the second half of the seventeenth century, is the main man-made object for inspection. At different times, it was a temple, the residence of rulers, a place of gatherings, a defensive fortress from sea robbers, and even a prison. The exterior of the building is interesting, as well as what is inside – the exposition of the National Museum of the Virgin Islands. Here you can visit the oldest of the existing synagogues located in the United States – Beracha Veshalom Vegimult Hasidim. Go to the museum of Camille Pissarro to look at the large collection of paintings by the artist who wrote in the style of impressionism.
Blackbeard Castle is an ominous and terrible object, nowadays it is only an interesting attraction. However, according to legends, it was here that the cruel British pirate at the beginning of the eighteenth century lived. The castle not only inspires horror, but also offers a difficult test: to go up, you have to overcome 99 steps made of parts of ships.

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