Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places Santa Cruz Island, located in the Caribbean, is part of the Virgin Islands and is under the jurisdiction…

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The Caribbean has long been recognized as one of the most dangerous for navigation. Tropical hurricanes, often “visiting” this region, bring with them many troubles. For example, Hurricane Gilbert (Spanish…

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Tours to Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is an independent state, which includes the islands of the same name and several more small ones. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and…

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Attractions of the island of St. John

Located in the Caribbean Sea, the marvelous islet of St. John is part of the United States of America, or rather – owned by the United States Virgin Islands. St. John is both the smallest in the group and the richest. The constant number of inhabitants here does not exceed five thousand, while more than half live in the largest town – Cruz Bay. The island of St. John attracts travelers (and sometimes even stars of television screens and cinema) with its remoteness from civilization and the lack of amenities – a kind of savage vacation in the Caribbean.
Around the beginning of the third century AD, Arawaki arrived in St. John – by water, naturally – from present-day Colombia and Venezuela. More militant Caribs drove out peaceful Arawaks – this happened at the beginning of the fourteenth century. The first European on St. John was Christopher Columbus – this journey was the second sailor’s account, and it took place at the very end of the fifteenth century. Continue reading

Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of Venezuela. The main emphasis on the islands is on ecological tourism, which has become very popular recently. The nature of the islands is very diverse: there are about 400 species of birds, 600 species of butterflies, 50 species of reptiles and 100 species of mammals. The best time to visit the islands is February and March, just at this time there is a carnival and many other interesting events. If tourists prefer peace and quiet, then a trip to Trinidad and Tobago is best planned for the summer and autumn, when there are not many tourists on the islands.

The capital is Port of Spain on the island of Trinidad. Continue reading

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a tiny country in the chain of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean. Maybe for some it sounds blasphemous, but Saint Vincent was very lucky with British rule. The state gained independence only in 1979, during the years of freedom it almost ruined its economy, but it caught on in time. Now St. Vincent grows marijuana and hosts wealthy tourists. One of the local islands, Mustique, has completely become a haven of Hollywood stars and other rich people, but once it was a pirate base!

Although St. Vincent is essentially a backward agrarian country that imports everything it needs from abroad, life expectancy here, for example, is longer than in Russia. Those countries that got out too soon from under the heel of the white colonizer were less fortunate. Continue reading

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Caribbean islands. Welcome to the Caribbean!
In total, there are several dozens of islands in the Caribbean Sea that vary in size and geographical structure ... Here we will tell you about several islands of paradise,…


Carib’s extraordinary popularity among tourists is easily explained: the warm sea all year round, the fabulous beauty of nature, a decent level of service, an extensive selection of hotels (for…


Bahamas vs Caribbean: what should you keep in mind when choosing a cruise?
The fact that in the region located between the two Americas runs most cruise routes is not surprising: a combination of densely populated coasts, an abundance of tropical islands and…
