British Virgin Islands
These sixty amazing islets are located between the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Very close to the United States, but away from crowds - this is what makes the British Virgin…

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Bahamas vs Caribbean: what should you keep in mind when choosing a cruise?
The fact that in the region located between the two Americas runs most cruise routes is not surprising: a combination of densely populated coasts, an abundance of tropical islands and…

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The Caribbean (Spanish Mar Caribe; English Caribbean Sea) - one of the most beautiful tropical seas, part of the Atlantic Ocean. The marginal semi-enclosed sea is bounded by Central and…

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Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of Venezuela. The main emphasis on the islands is on ecological tourism, which has become very popular recently. The nature of the islands is very diverse: there are about 400 species of birds, 600 species of butterflies, 50 species of reptiles and 100 species of mammals. The best time to visit the islands is February and March, just at this time there is a carnival and many other interesting events. If tourists prefer peace and quiet, then a trip to Trinidad and Tobago is best planned for the summer and autumn, when there are not many tourists on the islands.

The capital is Port of Spain on the island of Trinidad.

The climate is subequatorial humid. The average air temperature during the year is +25 .. + 27 ° С. On the islands there is no tangible difference between winter and summer. The dry season lasts from February to March, and the rainy season from June to August, but the rains are usually short-lived and the sun shines most of the day. The islands lie outside the tropical hurricane belt.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts of Trinidad and Tobago in the coming days.

The hotels of Trinidad and Tobago boast excellent service and high star rating, while the price tag is quite sparing.

Banks, exchange offices and tips
The country’s monetary unit is the Trinidad and Tobago Dollar (TTD), at $ 1 100 cents. Current rate: 1 TTD = 9.55 RUB (1 USD = 6.79 TTD, 1 EUR = 7.39 TTD).

Currency can be exchanged at banks, currency exchange points, which have branches in all major tourist centers and at the airport. Banks are open Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 16:00 (some until 17:00). Exchangers are open daily from 9:00 to 18:00, except Sunday. Almost all establishments accept American dollars, but at a lower rate. In large stores and restaurants, credit cards are accepted for payment: Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa International, American Express, etc.

If the service charge is not included in the bill, you can leave for tea 5-10% of the total bill. Tipping is best done in local currency.

Shopping & Stores
Shops are open from 8:00 to 16:00, on Saturday from 8:00 to 13:00. Some supermarkets are open daily from 8:00 to 18:00.

Attractions and attractions of Trinidad and Tobago
On the islands you can do all kinds of water sports – windsurfing, water skiing, snorkeling, diving, sailing, paragliding, in addition, there are golf clubs and tennis courts.

Every year in February or March, a grand carnival is held in Trinidad, the preparation for which the locals begin with the New Year. The main action takes place in the Royal Park in the center of Port of Spain. In November, a major jazz festival is held in Trinidad.

As for Tobago, it is primarily famous for the goat races, which are one of the indispensable events of the Easter week.

Tobago is much smaller than Trinidad, and much calmer. Ecological tourism is very well developed here, because almost the entire territory of the island is covered with dense forests, which are considered one of the oldest in the western hemisphere and have long been protected. The island republic is rich in sandy beaches, of which the most picturesque are on Tobago. In the south-west of the island there are many diving centers. This is due to the fact that it is in these waters that the border of coral reefs passes, and, accordingly, underwater landscapes, which are filled with amazing inhabitants of the sea depths, are of great interest to divers. Also on the island there is a unique marine reserve, in which hundreds of species of tropical fish are collected, as well as many corals. In addition, the reserve offers views of the picturesque harbor in which the birds of the Caribbean nest, including the Caribbean swallow, Caribbean white-tailed gull and flycatcher. The island also has a huge number of attractions, which include villages in tropical forests and waterfalls, one of which has a height of almost 55 meters, as well as harbors and nature reserves, which are quite numerous on the island, despite the size of the island. In major cities of the island are concentrated hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops. The island also has an airport that accepts flights both from neighboring countries and from the neighboring island of Trinidad. The island republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a very attractive place for tourists, due to its wealth of flora and fauna, as well as good climatic conditions. White sandy beaches and incredibly beautiful nature created the best conditions for ecotourism and diving, and for lovers of simple relaxation on the beach – developed infrastructure.

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