The Caribbean has long been recognized as one of the most dangerous for navigation. Tropical hurricanes, often “visiting” this region, bring with them many troubles. For example, Hurricane Gilbert (Spanish…

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Active and resort life in Honduras
This amazing country fascinates guests with its extraordinary atmosphere of ancient grandeur and wonderful natural monuments. Tourism of Honduras offers travelers a lot of opportunities for a diverse and unforgettable…

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Pointe a Pitre is the capital of Guadeloupe. The airport is large and modern, however, there is nowhere to drink a cup of cafe. The weather is beautiful, with the…

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crossing the border

Roatan Island “The wrong country was called Honduras …”

Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I dreamed of longed-for Honduras for days and nights, but so often I found myself close, close to its borders and never crossed them, and it was terribly unfair. This whole cruise could easily not have taken place (even despite the huge discount!) If one of the port days did not promise a meeting with Honduras. “Well, finally!” I exclaimed. Well, you understand, huh?

True, for the sake of justice, it must be clarified that the ship was moored not on the Honduran coast, but on the island of Roatan, also geographically owned by Honduras (the similarities ended here), a completely paradise town, included in the list of the most beautiful Caribbean islands, and quite leading positions in the Continue reading


Venezuela has: a) the old cities of the conquistadors, b) a couple of thousand kilometers of beaches, c) the absolutely unearthly beauty of the Andes, d) the great Orinoco River, e) the highest Angel Falls in the world. And this entire list is surrounded by magnificent flora, under whose shelter amazing animals live: ocelot, tapir and armadilla, not counting the anteater and anaconda darling (certainly also darling, but in a slightly different sense). By the way, not one or two Venezuelans won at different times world beauty contests (and continue to win). This is so, by the way.

The role of tourists in Venezuela is usually played by individuals stamped with the most “I do not want” passports, a long track record of visited countries and a thick wallet. Continue reading

Is it safe to travel around Dominica?
The Commonwealth of Dominica, whose citizenship can be obtained through investment, attracts more and more tourists every year. There are few places left on the earth that can boast of…


Roatan Island "The wrong country was called Honduras ..."
Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I…


Caribbean islands. Welcome to the Caribbean!
In total, there are several dozens of islands in the Caribbean Sea that vary in size and geographical structure ... Here we will tell you about several islands of paradise,…
