Montserrat Mountain: Journey to the Catalan Shrine
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Island of Martinique
In the picturesque green necklace of the Lesser Antilles, stretching a long puff from Haiti and Puerto Rico to the mouth of the Orinoco River and further along the Venezuelan…

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Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of…

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Roatan Island “The wrong country was called Honduras …”

Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I dreamed of longed-for Honduras for days and nights, but so often I found myself close, close to its borders and never crossed them, and it was terribly unfair. This whole cruise could easily not have taken place (even despite the huge discount!) If one of the port days did not promise a meeting with Honduras. “Well, finally!” I exclaimed. Well, you understand, huh?

True, for the sake of justice, it must be clarified that the ship was moored not on the Honduran coast, but on the island of Roatan, also geographically owned by Honduras (the similarities ended here), a completely paradise town, included in the list of the most beautiful Caribbean islands, and quite leading positions in thetop five most-most.

The bulk of cruisers choose a beach holiday on Roatan, which is not at all difficult to do – there are a lot of beaches on the island, both paid and free. And the laziest ones can bask on the shore with a view of the ship, since we moored at Mahogany Bay, from where we can get to the beach on a specially built cable car for only $ 12 per person per day.

This option of getting to know Roatan seemed boring to us, and we started looking for what is interesting and beautiful on the island, and how to cover it all in one day. Experienced advised not to waste time, take a taxi and explore the island on it, and at the end wrap up on one of the best beaches and enjoy the white sand and turquoise waves. Quickly choosing the best tourist office, and writing to Roatan to approve the route, we received a detailed letter explaining step by step how to find our driver, famously bypassing the cars of envious competitors and making sure that all our wishes in terms of stops and arrivals to specific places will be fulfilled unconditionally – “you are the boss, you decide!”. All the pleasure was worth $ 80 for two, from 8.00 to 18.00 – not so expensive for the whole day.

Early morning, when Roatan emerged from the predawn haze, it was marvelously beautiful and gentle. Dawn pastel painted pink clouds, golden shores, silvery water and wrapped something weightless in the green hills of the island, promising wonderful weather. And while the ship was turning in a small bay, trying not to tear down all of Roatan with its sides (and the feeling was just that), the passengers ran from side to side to see all the beauty at once, without missing details and details. The beach was really visible from the ship and with the help of the camera’s zoom I examined it very well, judging the modest size and figuring out what kind of stampede happens when mooring several ships at once. No, it’s still better to see the island than wallow on the beach.

After yesterday’s meeting with Belize mosquitoes, I did not need it. Very very. I won’t describe the medical history, but it was so bad for me that I wanted to lie in bed that tender morning so that no one would touch me until the evening — I didn’t expect this from myself and heartily mosquitoes, and I mentioned everyone by name . Somehow having gathered myself into one youthful whole and by making heroic efforts to give this whole a joyful look with the help of make-up, I suddenly hung a very heavy camera around my neck and creaked with a body exhausting from pain and moved to the exit. In principle, it was possible to lie down, having returned from the shore, and two sea days ahead were very suitable for this – I persuaded myself.

I liked Roatan from the first steps! A port zone drowning in flowers, thoroughly washed with a night rain, perfectly clean paths, amused musicians who play something very Caribbean and groovy, a breeze from the sea and fluttering butterflies – what might not appeal to you here, especially after Belize restrained in the colorfulness?

Having overcome the obstacle course from the competitors of our chosen company and happily reaching (in my case, crawling) to our car, we dived into the air-conditioned coolness and under the cheerful talk about everything in the world that might interest tourists, went to get acquainted with the island.

We were lucky with the driver. After half an hour, I knew where and for how much you could buy a house with a decent white person the number of bedrooms, how famously you can spin your business (he carries me, I talk about Roatan, pouring in a nightingale, and money flows into our pockets), which food is the most delicious in the local menu (it’s clear that iguanas, who would doubt it) that for life on the island you need to know at least two languages, English and Spanish (and you can only Spanish, but then half of the island will not understand you) that is safe here everywhere and there is no crime as such that mainland Honduras As she is terribly jealous of Roatan, but there are enough people without them that tourism is the only way to earn a bunch of money, and that they almost pray for those who have left the ship so as not to frighten off a hand holding out bills.

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