British Virgin Islands
These sixty amazing islets are located between the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Very close to the United States, but away from crowds - this is what makes the British Virgin…

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Island of Martinique
In the picturesque green necklace of the Lesser Antilles, stretching a long puff from Haiti and Puerto Rico to the mouth of the Orinoco River and further along the Venezuelan…

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Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places Santa Cruz Island, located in the Caribbean, is part of the Virgin Islands and is under the jurisdiction…

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Costa Rica

This small mountainous country, which has settled the isthmus between North and South America, You can see the land as it was at the creation of the world, and on the same day observe the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean, and the sunset over the Pacific …
Coat of arms of Costa Rica What attracts travelers to Costa Rica above all? Of course, the unique beauty of its nature. The country is very “photogenic”: mountains wrapped in togas of clouds, volcanoes, theatrically spewing pillars of smoke and fire against a stormy sky, sparkling waterfalls in the sun, lush rain forest, rainbow wings of tropical birds, outlandish butterflies that look like flowers and flowers , similar to the fluttering wings of butterflies, melancholy-smug iguanas – just have time to press the camera button …

Most of Costa Rica’s nature reserves and national parks are open to tourists. Traveling through them makes visiting this country an exciting adventure.
When resting in Costa Rica, do not forget to visit the Manu el Antonio National Park, where almost all kinds of animals of the Costa Rican jungle are represented, take a night excursion to the foot of the active Arenal volcano, when lava flows and rock outbursts are clearly visible, do not miss opportunities to go rafting on one of the mountain rivers and windsurfing on the mountain lake Arenal.

Well, followers of Jacques-Yves Cousteau awaits a variety of diving near the rocky reefs of the north-eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean, where a mass of diverse marine life lives in crystal-clear water. Experienced submariners are advised to visit the island of Cocos, but fishing lovers will find their fishing happiness, pulling huge ocean fish out of the water. Fans of extreme sports can ride in a balloon or take a jump from a bridge into a deep abyss. A break from adventure in the lazy silence of hotels.

Location of Costa Rica
Costa Rica (La República de Costa Rica) is a small (territory: 51 thousand km2) mountainous country located on the narrow Central American Isthmus. The whole country can be crossed by car from one ocean to another in just a few hours. Costa Rica is famous for its stunning beauty of landscapes: a panorama of smoking volcanoes, mountains covered with forests, picturesque valleys. Costa Rica has a huge variety of exotic birds and flowers, and in the rainforest you can find all the diversity of the animal world. For lovers of outdoor activities – a wide selection of water sports, interesting excursions and other entertainment.

In the north, Costa Rica borders on Nicaragua, in the south – with Panama, in the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, and in the east – by the Caribbean Sea. Mountain ranges stretch from north to south across the country, between them is the Central Plateau with fertile soils, where half the population of Costa Rica lives. The mountains surrounding the plateau are mainly of volcanic origin, among them there are active volcanoes. The highest point – Mount Chirripo (3819 m) – is located in the south of the country.

Climate of Costa Rica

The climate is subequatorial. There are four climatic zones. On the Pacific coast, where tourism is most developed, rains are likely from mid-September to the end of October, during the rest of the year dry sunny weather prevails.

Currency – Col. In monetary circulation, banknotes in denominations of 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 columns. You should take US dollars with you on a trip (in cash or in traveler’s checks), which can be exchanged at hotels or exchange points. Only the national currency is accepted for payment everywhere, as well as credit cards in large stores and hotels. Other foreign currency can be exchanged in the only place in the country: agency CIA Financiera Londres Ltda American Type A outlet American Type B outlet

Electricity: American parameters are used in Costa Rica, the voltage in the power supply network is 120 V, the frequency is 60 Hz. American sockets with flat plugs (types A and B). Hotels usually have European standard sockets. For domestic electrical appliances, it is desirable to have adapters.

Costa Rican cuisine: main dishes of rice, black beans and meat – these are different variations with sauce, onions and vegetables. Spices are used little in dishes, but there is always a bottle of Chili or ketchup on the table. Casados ​​is a rice and bean dish with various vegetables. This mixture is eaten with beef, pork or chicken. You should try baked a la plancha fish, pies stuffed with beef, cheese or chicken, sea fish in lemon juice, seasoned with onions and coriander, concha shells. Thanks to the diverse climate in Costa Rica, a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are grown. The main alcoholic drink is rum. The best rum varieties are Centenario, Abuelo, Cacque and Platino. Cafe Rica coffee liqueur, as well as light beers Imperial Bavaria and Pilsen, are popular.

Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places Santa Cruz Island, located in the Caribbean, is part of the Virgin Islands and is under the jurisdiction…


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