One of the most picturesque countries of Central America, one of the centers of the Mayan civilization, exotic and tropical rainforests – all this is amazing Guatemala. It’s worth going to Guatemala if you are unbearably interested in meeting real Indians, participating in mystical shamanistic rituals, seeing with your own eyes the villages inhabited by the descendants of the legendary Mayans, immersing yourself in local customs and going to the imaginatively vibrant colors and unusual pagan festivities . Tourists from all over the world rush to Guatemala to enjoy the beauty of the local nature and ancient monuments.
Foreign currency can be imported and exported without restrictions (a declaration is required), and national currency is not recommended. Persons over 18 years old can import up to 80 cigarettes or about 100 g of tobacco and up to 1.5 liters of alcohol (but not more than 2 bottles). In the declaration at the entrance, all imported valuables must be indicated. It is not allowed to export from the country antiques, archaeological values, rare animals and birds, as well as their stuffed animals and skins. Continue reading
Venezuela has: a) the old cities of the conquistadors, b) a couple of thousand kilometers of beaches, c) the absolutely unearthly beauty of the Andes, d) the great Orinoco River, e) the highest Angel Falls in the world. And this entire list is surrounded by magnificent flora, under whose shelter amazing animals live: ocelot, tapir and armadilla, not counting the anteater and anaconda darling (certainly also darling, but in a slightly different sense). By the way, not one or two Venezuelans won at different times world beauty contests (and continue to win). This is so, by the way.
The role of tourists in Venezuela is usually played by individuals stamped with the most “I do not want” passports, a long track record of visited countries and a thick wallet. Continue reading
The nature of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius
The topography of Bonaire is fairly common in the southern Caribbean. A low (up to 241 m) island represents the top of the underwater elevations of the continental shelf that frames the South American continent. The low coast of Bonaire to the north slowly rises, gradually moving into a hilly area surrounded by lagoons and bays of the Washington-Slagbay National Park. Almost the entire surface of the island is overgrown with lush tropical vegetation (mostly secondary forests), interrupted only by settlements, agricultural land and long beaches.
Saba and Sint Eustatius are as typical in their origin and natural and climatic conditions for the Windward Islands as the “ABC Islands” for the Leeward. Formed by the peaks of ancient underwater volcanoes, they for the most part have a rounded shape and a fairly elevated relief. The rounded Saba is the top of an ancient volcano, the last eruption of which occurred, Continue reading