Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of…

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Palenque. Mexico
Where there are Mexicans - there is Mexico Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico The flag of Mexico As a place where a wonderful vacation can be combined with unique informative…

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Attractions of the island of St. John
Located in the Caribbean Sea, the marvelous islet of St. John is part of the United States of America, or rather - owned by the United States Virgin Islands. St.…

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the country


Panama (Spanish: República de Panamá) is a state between two continents, in Central America on the narrow Panama Isthmus that divides the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The word “Panama” originally did not mean a hat at all, in one of the local Indian languages ​​it means “fish place”. But “Panama hats” are not produced by Panama, but by Ecuador.

The area of ​​Panama is 75.5 thousand km2. Administratively, the country is divided into 9 provinces and 3 autonomous regions (mosquito).

Along the west and east coasts of Panama stretch narrow plains and hilly terrain, between which are steep, dissected by valleys mountains with alpine plains. The highest point in Panama – Baru volcano. Geographic coordinates: 8.808, -82.543; Click to view on Google maps (aka Chiriki), 3475 m. The northern slopes of the mountain ranges are covered with dense evergreen forests, the southern areas are Continue reading

Cayman Islands - Beach and Tax haven in the Caribbean
Cayman Islands - overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the West Indies, in the Caribbean. The capital is Georgetown. Currency - Cayman Islands Dollar. The official language is English.…


Tortola Islands
Among the British Virgin Islands, Tortola is the largest and most interesting tourist destination. He managed to preserve his natural splendor and rich cultural heritage; each of his cities is…


Commonwealth of Dominica
The Commonwealth of Dominica is located on one of the Lesser Antilles. The island of the same name, which this small country occupies, is of volcanic origin. Like the entire…
