Virgin Gorda Attractions - What to See. Complete guide to iconic places
Virgin Gorda Attractions - What to See. Complete guide to iconic places The name Virgin Gorda translates as "fat virgin" - because the appearance of this island, part of the…

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Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places
Sights of Saint-Croix - what to see. Complete guide to iconic places Santa Cruz Island, located in the Caribbean, is part of the Virgin Islands and is under the jurisdiction…

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Aruba Island
Aruba is a small Dutch island in the Caribbean, located off the coast of Venezuela. It is notable for dry sunny weather, quiet waves and white sand beaches. Because of…

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Tortola Islands

Among the British Virgin Islands, Tortola is the largest and most interesting tourist destination. He managed to preserve his natural splendor and rich cultural heritage; each of his cities is characterized by a unique atmosphere of hospitality and national color. Many travelers are primarily interested in the magnificent beaches, Tortola and ecotourism fans are attracted. Fans of fascinating excursions will not have to be bored either; there are literally attractions in every city.
Tortola Island Cultural Tours – What to Visit
Tortola has a rather rich past. The island was inhabited as early as the 1st century AD by Arawaks, who lived quietly here until the beginning of the 15th century. Then they were first conquered by the Caribbean, very aggressive … Continue reading

Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of Venezuela. The main emphasis on the islands is on ecological tourism, which has become very popular recently. The nature of the islands is very diverse: there are about 400 species of birds, 600 species of butterflies, 50 species of reptiles and 100 species of mammals. The best time to visit the islands is February and March, just at this time there is a carnival and many other interesting events. If tourists prefer peace and quiet, then a trip to Trinidad and Tobago is best planned for the summer and autumn, when there are not many tourists on the islands.

The capital is Port of Spain on the island of Trinidad. Continue reading

Seven Wonders of Puerto Rico

Puerto rico
– A state located on the island of the same name in the Caribbean. Translated from Spanish, its name means “rich port”, and although initially it meant something completely different, today it clearly explains the popularity of Puerto Rico among tourists from all over the world. Resorts for every taste and perfect beach vacation – this is just the tip of the iceberg; Today we will tell you about the treasures of Puerto Rico – places you can’t help falling in love with.

1. Living story

New generations of residents of the island respect the heritage of their ancestors, so in Puerto Rico modern hotels peacefully and organically coexist with centuries-old buildings. San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, was built up in layers, so any of Continue reading

Roatan Island "The wrong country was called Honduras ..."
Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I…


Caribbean islands. Welcome to the Caribbean!
In total, there are several dozens of islands in the Caribbean Sea that vary in size and geographical structure ... Here we will tell you about several islands of paradise,…


Travel to the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a state in the Caribbean located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and 5 small islands adjacent to them, off the coast of…
