Belize is a true paradise for an independent traveler: lush rainforests, unique fauna and rich underwater world. This country is for those who need more than just beaches, for those…

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Turks and Caicos Islands Tours and Prices Turks and Caicos Islands
The Turks and Caicos Islands are the UK-dependent territories in the Caribbean. As the name implies, these are two groups of islands with a total number of about 30, but…

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Aruba Island
Aruba is a small Dutch island in the Caribbean, located off the coast of Venezuela. It is notable for dry sunny weather, quiet waves and white sand beaches. Because of…

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anaconda darling

Active and resort life in Honduras

This amazing country fascinates guests with its extraordinary atmosphere of ancient grandeur and wonderful natural monuments. Tourism of Honduras offers travelers a lot of opportunities for a diverse and unforgettable vacation.

Tropical Tourism Honduras
Excursions to the unique cultural sites of the past, fascinating diving, relaxing vacations on the marble beaches of the Islas de la Bahia archipelago – Honduras tourism will be interesting for any category of vacationers.

Honduras Resorts Continue reading


Venezuela has: a) the old cities of the conquistadors, b) a couple of thousand kilometers of beaches, c) the absolutely unearthly beauty of the Andes, d) the great Orinoco River, e) the highest Angel Falls in the world. And this entire list is surrounded by magnificent flora, under whose shelter amazing animals live: ocelot, tapir and armadilla, not counting the anteater and anaconda darling (certainly also darling, but in a slightly different sense). By the way, not one or two Venezuelans won at different times world beauty contests (and continue to win). This is so, by the way.

The role of tourists in Venezuela is usually played by individuals stamped with the most “I do not want” passports, a long track record of visited countries and a thick wallet. Continue reading

Palenque. Mexico
Where there are Mexicans - there is Mexico Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico The flag of Mexico As a place where a wonderful vacation can be combined with unique informative…


Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia is a small island nation washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, a tropical paradise with beautiful beaches and exotic groves, mineral…


Cayman Islands - Beach and Tax haven in the Caribbean
Cayman Islands - overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the West Indies, in the Caribbean. The capital is Georgetown. Currency - Cayman Islands Dollar. The official language is English.…
