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What unites Johnny Depp and Sean Connery, David Copperfield and Shakira, finally, Mariah Carey and Michael Jordan? The fact of having a pretty mansion in the Bahamas. This amazing region has long and unconditionally received the status of the best place for a beach holiday among Americans and a good half of humanity, one must think, not by chance. Palm trees inclined over the azure sea, snow-white sand, rich underwater life and no less intense night life are just what catches your eye immediately upon arrival. But in their bowels the Bahamas conceal much more pleasures. For example, few people know about the glory of the Bahamian casinos, which are rolling millions of dollars weekly and about the same number of guests annually.

The main resorts of the Bahamas
The largest islands are New Providence, Greater Bahama, Andros, Eleuthera.

Greater Abaco is the second largest island of the Bahamas, well known to all sailors in the world. The sailing season here lasts from spring to autumn. Vast coastal shallow waters teeming with fish. Here you can do any of the existing water sports, fishing, or visit duty-free shops of the largest city on the island – Marsh Harbor.

Long Island is hardly visited by tourists. And in vain – this is the most picturesque island of the Bahamas, with beautiful nature and many places completely untouched by civilization. At the northern tip of the island, Cape Santa Maria is a long snow-white sandy beach, one of the most beautiful in the western hemisphere. The main city of the island of Stella Maris is a small, but quite modern settlement, a starting point for diving and fishing expeditions.

The Exuma island range includes over 360 small islands, and in its southern part there are two rather large islands – the Big and Small Exuma, where the whole local civilization is concentrated. This archipelago is a true paradise for yachtsmen, because the local places are considered one of the most beautiful in the world: the constant ebbs and flows that change the depth of the coastal shallows make the sea unusually beautiful. Adherents of diving will be very pleased here. All details about the cities and resorts of the Bahamas are on the page “Subtleties of tourism”

There is no exchange control and restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. For the export of local currency in excess of 70 BSD per person, the permission of the Central Bank of the Bahamas must be obtained.

Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 450 g of tobacco is allowed; up to 0.94 liters of strong alcoholic drinks and up to 0.94 liters of wine, as well as any other goods and products with a total value of up to 100 USD.

The transit of narcotic and explosive substances, objects of historical and cultural value and weapons is prohibited – without appropriate permits. For the export of agricultural products, plants of all kinds and woodcarving, a permit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the country is required.

Bahamas Phone Numbers
The nearest Russian Embassy is in Cuba.

Rescue Service: 911

Ambulance: 322-21-21 (New Providence), 352-26-89 (Freeport)

Maritime Aviation Emergency Service (BASRA): 322-38-77

Cities do not have their own phone codes. Payphones for making international calls are ubiquitous and operate on telephone cards that are sold in post offices, telephone company offices, hotels and supermarkets. Also from the payphone you can make a call through the operator. As a rule, the cost of a call from a hotel is 10-15% more expensive than from a pay phone. You can call to another country from the post office.

Long Island is hardly visited by tourists. And in vain – this is the most picturesque island of the Bahamas, with beautiful nature and many places completely untouched by civilization.
Tourist Safety
All popular tourist areas are quite safe, but petty crimes are not uncommon: theft in hotel rooms and pickpocketing. With the onset of darkness, it is better for tourists, especially women, to abandon walking alone.

Spearfishing using spearguns and other devices is prohibited on the islands. Sports fishing is permitted, but a fee of 20 USD must be paid for one trip to the sea, provided that no more than six fishing reels are installed on the vessel. Independent archaeological work on wrecks is also prohibited. Violation of these rules can result in a substantial fine and deportation from the country.

Do not forget to tell tourists that local laws regarding drug trafficking are very strict: for the sale and even just the use of narcotic drugs, you can get a long prison term.

The climate of the Bahamas
The climate is tropical trade wind in the north and subtropical in the south. The average summer temperature is +26 … + 32 ° C. On the southern islands (Big and Small Inagua, Mayaguana) it is much warmer in summer than in the central part of the archipelago. In winter, the average temperature is +18 … + 22 ° C, the coolest in the northwest islands.

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