The Dominican Republic is a fertile land, spread out in the east of the island of Haiti, surrounded by waves of the Caribbean Sea. The capital is the sultry Santo…

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Bahamas vs Caribbean: what should you keep in mind when choosing a cruise?
The fact that in the region located between the two Americas runs most cruise routes is not surprising: a combination of densely populated coasts, an abundance of tropical islands and…

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Cayman Islands - Beach and Tax haven in the Caribbean
Cayman Islands - overseas territory of the United Kingdom in the West Indies, in the Caribbean. The capital is Georgetown. Currency - Cayman Islands Dollar. The official language is English.…

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waiting room

Roatan Island “The wrong country was called Honduras …”

Honduras!!! Which of my peers did not dream of visiting here to find out once and for all, this or that country was called Honduras. I won’t say that I dreamed of longed-for Honduras for days and nights, but so often I found myself close, close to its borders and never crossed them, and it was terribly unfair. This whole cruise could easily not have taken place (even despite the huge discount!) If one of the port days did not promise a meeting with Honduras. “Well, finally!” I exclaimed. Well, you understand, huh?

True, for the sake of justice, it must be clarified that the ship was moored not on the Honduran coast, but on the island of Roatan, also geographically owned by Honduras (the similarities ended here), a completely paradise town, included in the list of the most beautiful Caribbean islands, and quite leading positions in the Continue reading

Active and resort life in Honduras

This amazing country fascinates guests with its extraordinary atmosphere of ancient grandeur and wonderful natural monuments. Tourism of Honduras offers travelers a lot of opportunities for a diverse and unforgettable vacation.

Tropical Tourism Honduras
Excursions to the unique cultural sites of the past, fascinating diving, relaxing vacations on the marble beaches of the Islas de la Bahia archipelago – Honduras tourism will be interesting for any category of vacationers.

Honduras Resorts Continue reading


One of the most picturesque countries of Central America, one of the centers of the Mayan civilization, exotic and tropical rainforests – all this is amazing Guatemala. It’s worth going to Guatemala if you are unbearably interested in meeting real Indians, participating in mystical shamanistic rituals, seeing with your own eyes the villages inhabited by the descendants of the legendary Mayans, immersing yourself in local customs and going to the imaginatively vibrant colors and unusual pagan festivities . Tourists from all over the world rush to Guatemala to enjoy the beauty of the local nature and ancient monuments.

Foreign currency can be imported and exported without restrictions (a declaration is required), and national currency is not recommended. Persons over 18 years old can import up to 80 cigarettes or about 100 g of tobacco and up to 1.5 liters of alcohol (but not more than 2 bottles). In the declaration at the entrance, all imported valuables must be indicated. It is not allowed to export from the country antiques, archaeological values, rare animals and birds, as well as their stuffed animals and skins. Continue reading

Turks and Caicos Islands Tours and Prices Turks and Caicos Islands
The Turks and Caicos Islands are the UK-dependent territories in the Caribbean. As the name implies, these are two groups of islands with a total number of about 30, but…


Day Tour to Saint Martin
Holidays on the island of Anguilla are a pleasant bliss of luxurious beaches and relaxation in the chic apartments of local hotels. However, if you want unrestrained fun of nightlife,…


Is it safe to travel around Dominica?
The Commonwealth of Dominica, whose citizenship can be obtained through investment, attracts more and more tourists every year. There are few places left on the earth that can boast of…
